
There’s New Breakfast Gold in Them Thar Hills!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yeah yeah, that’s old news. What's NEW is how easy it is to make breakfast your own. The customizable, individualized breakfast trend is available at Catalyst Ranch too, now more than ever! With Spring in full swing, we’re ushering in a new season of breakfast options. That’s [...]

Sea Moss. Simplicity. the MOSSUM Sweetie!

Are you thinking about food RIGHT. THIS. SECOND? Probably. At this point with nutrition and meal-related advertising coming at you from all angles, you’d be hard-pressed not to have your diet on your mind. How soon is Lunch? Am I hydrated? Was that bagel the best choice? Did I make a wrong move? How much longer [...]

Grouping: Choosing a Balanced and Energizing Menu

Welcome guest blogger Kim Jean, Gathering Guru and Business Development Manager at Catalyst Ranch. Her super powers on staff include bringing in a wide array of new audiences to see the wonder of our creative space, but her off-Ranch strengths include superior nutrition and wellness knowledge and entrepreneurial gusto with her own health food brand MOSSUM, heralding [...]

By |2018-11-29T22:06:17-06:00November 29th, 2018|Categories: Events, Tip|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Women Entrepreneurs: My Kitchen Shrink

We are pleased to present a new blog series featuring Women Entrepreneurs. We meet so many women who are hard- working, tenacious, creative and generous and we want you to meet them too. We ask about life, inspiration and curiosity and they answer as we would expect. With honesty and amazing spirit! Our first fabulous guest [...]

Finding Balance in a Chaotic World

Please stand up and do some jumping jacks for guest blogger Kim Ready! Fitness Engaged is our newest meeting mix-in vendor and is a full service wellness company offering corporate wellness programs, seminars, and retreats along with 4 programs designed to give your meeting a healthy balance. We live in a world of demanding deadlines, calendars [...]

Join us on April 5 for the Gateway to Wellness Event!

The Associates Board of the Gateway for Cancer Research presents the Inaugural Gateway to Wellness event at Catalyst Ranch in Chicago's West Loop with food, fun, and new ideas for leading a healthy, happy, balanced lifestyle for young professionals. Join us for an evening of networking with like-minded professionals, passed hors d'oeuvres and an open bar [...]

5 Ways to Love Your Body & Actually Show it a Little Kindness

Catalyst Ranch is thrilled to be hosting Allie LeFevere's Beauty Experiment on October 12th! Beauty Experiment is a revolutionary workshop designed to (in Allie's own words)  "redefine your relationship with your body. With food. With your reflection. To love you again.  And act like it. To call yourself beautiful.  And mean it." Allie was kind enough to take [...]

Play With Your Food

As a child, how many times were you told "Don't play with your food?" If you were a precocious and defiant tiny human like I was - then lots (I had a strange aversion to silverware). Well, Malaysian artist Hong Yi either didn't listen or she had very cool parents. Either way it worked out because [...]

By |2018-04-26T16:55:42-05:00August 8th, 2013|Categories: Art, Creativity, Inspire|Tags: , , , , , , |
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