Creative Space2022-05-11T12:25:45-05:00

Creative Space

Winning Formula to Ace a Meeting or Event

This is not another article about meetings and events! Well, yes, I guess it is but it’s not just another article about meetings and events. So read on. This article is about the winning formula [...]

3 Big, Easy Tips for a Green Meeting

  Believe it or not, for an industry that is all about people and forging connections between them, the Meeting and Event industry generates a lot of waste. From all the handouts, to the food [...]

Having a Cup of Coffee with Levi Baer

Levi is an innovator and entrepreneur who is bringing together other innovators and entrepreneurs in a spirit of collaboration in a no-pressure environment.  He brings this spirit to the West Loop when Coffee & Conversation [...]

14th Anniversary Party: A Most Interesting Affair

Now that we have had a moment to breathe and are back to the business of business, we can look back and bask in the afterglow of our Anniversary Party.  It was one to remember! [...]

Molly Wagner and her new A Christmas Carol

In this blog we learn about how Chicago actor Molly Wagner got her inspiration for adapting A Christmas Carol for Ignite Theatre, an interactive and immersive passion project that debuts in December. Every December, for [...]

November 17th, 2016|Categories: Create, Creative, Creative Spaces, Creativity, Events, Holidays, Innovation, Uncategorized|

The Surprising World of Your Creative Mind

Catalyst Ranch is celebrating its 14th anniversary, and for all that time, we have understood the importance of environment.  We have colorful fuzzy pipe cleaners on the tables to bend into fun shapes.  Ethnic and [...]

Inspiring Found-Object Art by Jane Perkins

Inspiring Found-Object Art by Jane Perkins At Catalyst Ranch, Chicago’s first unconventional meeting venue, we love re-purposed art and furniture! Stroll around the Ranch and you’ll see classic lamp stands with modern lampshades, tea tins [...]

Finding Balance in a Chaotic World

Please stand up and do some jumping jacks for guest blogger Kim Ready! Fitness Engaged is our newest meeting mix-in vendor and is a full service wellness company offering corporate wellness programs, seminars, and retreats [...]

Creative Space

Winning Formula to Ace a Meeting or Event

This is not another article about meetings and events! Well, yes, I guess it is but it’s not just another article about meetings and events. So read on. This article is about the winning formula [...]

3 Big, Easy Tips for a Green Meeting

  Believe it or not, for an industry that is all about people and forging connections between them, the Meeting and Event industry generates a lot of waste. From all the handouts, to the food [...]

Having a Cup of Coffee with Levi Baer

Levi is an innovator and entrepreneur who is bringing together other innovators and entrepreneurs in a spirit of collaboration in a no-pressure environment.  He brings this spirit to the West Loop when Coffee & Conversation [...]

14th Anniversary Party: A Most Interesting Affair

Now that we have had a moment to breathe and are back to the business of business, we can look back and bask in the afterglow of our Anniversary Party.  It was one to remember! [...]

Molly Wagner and her new A Christmas Carol

In this blog we learn about how Chicago actor Molly Wagner got her inspiration for adapting A Christmas Carol for Ignite Theatre, an interactive and immersive passion project that debuts in December. Every December, for [...]

November 17th, 2016|Categories: Create, Creative, Creative Spaces, Creativity, Events, Holidays, Innovation, Uncategorized|

The Surprising World of Your Creative Mind

Catalyst Ranch is celebrating its 14th anniversary, and for all that time, we have understood the importance of environment.  We have colorful fuzzy pipe cleaners on the tables to bend into fun shapes.  Ethnic and [...]

Inspiring Found-Object Art by Jane Perkins

Inspiring Found-Object Art by Jane Perkins At Catalyst Ranch, Chicago’s first unconventional meeting venue, we love re-purposed art and furniture! Stroll around the Ranch and you’ll see classic lamp stands with modern lampshades, tea tins [...]

Finding Balance in a Chaotic World

Please stand up and do some jumping jacks for guest blogger Kim Ready! Fitness Engaged is our newest meeting mix-in vendor and is a full service wellness company offering corporate wellness programs, seminars, and retreats [...]

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