Unique Event Venue

#RanchStyle Spotlight: The Wardrobe Trunk

This week we bring to you a new story feature on our Creative Juice Blog: The #RanchStyle Spotlight! We'll highlight one of the many unique pieces of furniture and décor that go into making our singular, Catalyst Ranch #creativeenvironment and get the inside scoop on its origin and Ranch history as told by some of our [...]

Fundraisers and More: Putting Parties Together!

You probably know what our main line of business is hosting corporate and nonprofit meetings. What you may not already know is that we host a variety of celebrations and special events, too. And when it comes to fundraisers, our #vibrantvenue is the perfect environment for impressing donors and engaging supporters. Get to know our Social [...]

Breakfast and Beyond: A New Take!

We’ve got new tricks up our sleeve for our clients! One of the things we truly all got behind at our 2019 Strategic Planning sessions was the priority to bring even more healthy and natural items to all aspects of our food service, including our breakfast, lunch and snack offerings. Get ready to see plenty of nut mixes, [...]

I Vow… to Stay Within Budget

This week we bring a blog entry from our very own Client Services Manager for Special Events, Drea Holland! Drea is Chicago born and raised, so she's a pro at knowing what extra special local flavor is available for a client's celebration, be it food highlighting regional flavors, guests accommodations at a singularly new-Chicago hotel, or [...]

365 Days in Other Numbers: Our 2018 in Review!

Unbelievable! 2018 is almost over. What a year we’ve had here at Catalyst Ranch, including one heck of a #RanchSweet16 Anniversary Party. We are so very grateful and thankful to you for choosing us as your preferred venue for meetings and events.  Because of you we’ve had another inspiring, invigorating, energizing year. And we thought you [...]

Our 2018 Chicago Ideas Week Short List

It's our favorite time of year, y'all! No, we're not talking about sweater-weather autumn. We're talking about the approach of this year's Chicago Ideas Week, which of course brings with it our 2018 Chicago Ideas Week Short List! This annual festival is coming round' the mountain, kicking off on October 15. Chicago Ideas Week gathers over 200 global [...]

Make Your Meeting Greener: Remember your R’s

We are the authority on everything Meetings- and Events-related because we know how to get the most out of bringing people together. We have people in mind all the time, but there is unending list of things and objects that go into gathering those people. From name badges to paper handouts and beyond, so much material waste [...]

Episode #5 Meeting Mix-In Magic

Previously on The Digital Adventures of Pogo... One can never be over prepared for an activity. For when you least expect it, the unexpected can occur. Ranchhands to the rescue! Meeting Mix-In Magic! The energized sounds from the Polka Room were building to a dull roar. Inside, Deborah, the meeting planner, watched the attendees become fully [...]

Episode #4 Attack of The A/V Gremlins

Previously on The Digital Adventures of Pogo... The power of play is a wonderful thing. It sneaks up in your brain and coaxes out the child like imagination hiding within. Play is the key to productivity and innovation. The Attack of the A/V Gremlins! Featuring Professor Planner & Pogo After weeks of preparation, the big day [...]

Episode #2: What is This Bird Even Doing Here?

Previously on The Digital Adventures of Pogo... Pogo and Eva teamed up to break out of their cubicle blues and into the world of creativity. We learned what an impact a creative environment can have on a person and the potential it can unlock in a meeting. Having escaped Mr.Whitewalls, Eva and Pogo founded Catalyst Ranch [...]

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