
#RanchStyle Spotlight: The Wardrobe Trunk

This week we bring to you a new story feature on our Creative Juice Blog: The #RanchStyle Spotlight! We'll highlight one of the many unique pieces of furniture and décor that go into making our singular, Catalyst Ranch #creativeenvironment and get the inside scoop on its origin and Ranch history as told by some of our [...]

Work Space Matters. Ask Kira and Matt!

We don’t know for sure, but we’re guessing there hasn’t ever been an alien invasion or intergalactic supervillain threatening the Meetings Industry, but just in case, we’re ready with our own team of superheroes, who know first hand that your work space matters. In February, we DOUBLED our roster of Client Service Managers when our [...]

Ranch Hand Spotlight: Taylor Sommers

Catalyst Ranch, Chicago’s most creative meeting venue, is staffed by a incredible team of quirky characters known as Ranch Hands.  Creative individuals are drawn to Catalyst Ranch’s colorful workspace, diverse clientele, and co-workers of similar sensibility. Ranch Hand Spotlight is an occasional blog series that invites you to take a sneak peek behind the scenes at the [...]

In the Neighborhood: West Loop Dining

Catalyst Ranch is lucky to be situated in one of the fastest growing neighborhoods in Chicago!  The West Loop is bustling with tried and true favorites and hip new dining concepts.  Lately, it seems that another cool shop or restaurant opens up every day!   Today we spotlight a classic fine dining establishment that just received new [...]

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