Chicago theater

New Experiences & Teambuilding (including… Teams BUILDING!)

What's on your meeting's agenda? A welcome address, introductions. Maybe a get-to-know-you activity. Presentations followed by a few blocks of break-out groups. But what agenda items make your meeting unique and experiential? If that piece is missing, you lose a valuable method of ensuring your attendees remember this event and retain its content. That's why we've [...]

Blair Thomas & Co. Puppet Theater

Blair Thomas & Co. Puppet Theater A bit of a one-man-band, through puppets Blair is able to tell deep and complex stories with the various characters often being different extensions of his own personality. Right! Not your average puppet show! — The Huffington Post Catalyst Ranch Ignite Theatre presents its next feature: The Blair Thomas & [...]

Ignite Theatre Presents: Steel Magnolias

As you may have heard, Catalyst Ranch is producing a theatre series called Ignite Theatre that is launching October 9th.  Our first production is Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling. Please welcome director Dan Foss, who has agreed to answer our goofy questions despite his status as a huge talent in the theatre community. Dan has been [...]

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