Corporate Event Interactive

Episode #5 Meeting Mix-In Magic

Previously on The Digital Adventures of Pogo... One can never be over prepared for an activity. For when you least expect it, the unexpected can occur. Ranchhands to the rescue! Meeting Mix-In Magic! The energized sounds from the Polka Room were building to a dull roar. Inside, Deborah, the meeting planner, watched the attendees become fully [...]

The Creative World of Play with Corporate Event Interactive

Jodi Whitlock of Corporate Event Interactive tells us about how their team got started, where she likes to vacation (don't forget the wine!) and what's coming up for CEI. What made you get into this business? CEI began as a traditional event planning company. We quickly discovered an affinity for the teambuilding and interactive part of [...]

Amazing Meeting Vendors, Resources & Experts Galore!

Have you ever planned and executed a meeting and then wondered "Did I get my point across?" or "Why wasn't there any action afterwards?"  Have you ever attended a meeting and left with the feeling that you wasted your time? Now is your chance to find answers to your toughest meeting challenges.  We've partnered with the [...]

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