At this time last year we pulled you into the straight-up party that was Pantone’s Viva Magenta. But for their 2024 Color of the Year, the Pantone color experts have predicted a year of Peach Fuzz.
The vibe of this new hue is just as juicy and ripe for inspiration as Magenta. Let’s use Peach Fuzz to spark useful reflection and creative exploration.
**Ahem, meeting clients: It’s a great tool to reexamine goals, for yourself and for your team!

Peachy vibes at Catalyst Ranch
What does Peach Fuzz spark for you?
You can probably guess why we get a little woo-woo and touchy-feely about color. It plays a huge part in the creative Catalyst Ranch environment we provide. If these exploratory prompts feel somewhat “out-there”, just take a quick jaunt with us — Consider it a Peach Fuzz snack break!
Questions to start:
- Was your 2023 particularly “Viva Magenta”? Was that good or bad? What of Viva Magenta do you want to keep in 2024?
- What images or memories does “Peach Fuzz” recall? What sensations and cravings are awoken?
- If the people in your orbit could be represented by single colors, who among them have a Peach Fuzz aura? What parts of your personality are particularly Peachy?
Pantone says:
Peach Fuzz “captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others. It’s a velvety gentle peach tone whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul.”
For us, this shift from Magenta to Peach represents a welcome break from frenetic activity. It’s a weighted blanket pulled up only to our knees, a kombucha in one hand and a well-worn paperback in the other, plus a Himalayan salt lamp glowing nearby.

From Pantone: Peach Fuzz is “a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection … a color radiant with warmth …
A shade that resonates with compassion, offers a tactile embrace …
… a velvety gentle peach whose all-embracing spirit enriches heart, mind, and body.”
Questions to dig deeper:
- With whom in your life do you desire renewed connection?
- For our meeting clients: How does your team value connection or warmth?
- For our meeting clients: What parts of your team’s operations need nurturing and enriching?
- For our meeting clients: As we asked last year, what new narratives can or should be written this year? What new goals does a newly-tinted outlook highlight? Where are this year’s opportunities for changing or correcting course?
In whatever ways you are compelled to recognize Peach Fuzz energy, keep up the creative introspection. We’re happy for the occasion to use color as a lens for reflection. Now keep up the good work in 2024!